Office: (702) 341-7800
MVPC is a church filled with people on this journey in life who believe, trust and praise the triune God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirt!
We believe in Jesus Christ, God’s one and only Son and who lived for us, died for us and was raised for us so that we may find abundant life in the here and now and eternal life in the hereafter forever and ever!
We believe in the Holy Spirit who is our comforter, counselor and One who comes alongside of us on our trek through life, empowering us to be about and to fulfill God’s will on this planet.
God has made Himself known to us through His Word, the Bible. We read, study, preach and live by God’s holy word.
MVPC is the body of Christ on this earth and we are thrilled with the call to communicate God’s love for everyone, support one another through unconditional love and reach out to serve our communities locally, regionally and globally.
- Pastor: Rev. David Dendy
- Committee on Ministry Liaison: Melva O'Neill