Office: (775) 847-0298
- Worship: Sundays 9:30 AM
We will strive to be a community of disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ who:
- Having known the love and mercy of Christ in our lives, will present God’s claims on all individuals by: proclaiming the Word: witnessing by our words and lives: serving in our neighborhoods.
- Will learn more about our Lord through worship, prayer, teaching studying, and caring for each other.
- Will practice love in our church community, and by reaching out to others in Christ’s love so that they might know it also.
- Will serve our church community and our wider neighborhood in practical ways with the gifts and skills we’ve been “blessed to be a blessing.”
From the Presbyterian Historical Society:
The First Presbyterian Church of Virginia City was organized in 1862. A wood-and-batten meeting house was constructed in 1867. In 1875, three-quarters of Virginia City was destroyed by fire, but the church was spared. As the mining boom became a bust, membership dwindled, regular worship services were suspended, and by 1951, the “Comstock Church,” the second oldest Presbyterian church in Nevada, was derelict and scheduled for demolition. In 1954, residents launched a rescue; they stabilized the structure and raised money for its restoration. As Virginia City revived as a tourist town, a congregation was reorganized and summer services resumed. In 1966, pews and a pipe organ were installed. By 1988, the church once again offered regular Sunday worship.
- Pastor: Rev. Rebecca Watkins
- Committee on Ministry Liaison: Rev. Bob Kelley