Virtual Group Study: Deep Disciple Dive

Anyone who knows me well knows that I have a keen interest in what we can learn from the first church and how to apply those learnings in our 21st Century American church. Lent/Holy Week/Easter is my favorite holiday season, with Maundy Thursday being an extra special event here in Elko, thanks to those who have gone before and created the special da Vinci’s Last Supper Reenactment.

Learning about and understanding the diversity in the original 12 disciples is mindblowing (to me!) and helps me better understand how we all play a vital role in the story of life. Scattered brilliance at its best! Before I really got into this, I really believed that the 12 disciples, and other Bible heroes, had to be “extra holy”…but what I am learning is that they were just regular people, quirky, goofy, bossy, you name it, regular-old-humans like me, my family, and my friends. This aha has been transformative in my relationship with God and other humans…and it makes me want to keep studying!!!

My hope is to study with friends (old and new!) and learn even more, and hear how others apply their new aha’s and knowledge to enhance their brilliance, find joy, and play an active role in life.

Join me in this 8-week study that starts on Jan 12, 2023. We will all be teachers and learners. There is no set curriculum that we are using, but there is a plan! Open to all. Feel free to share the invitation and come with a friend.

Email me for the Zoom link at Zoom will start at 6:15pm. If you can, eat dinner with friends and join us as a local group, wherever you are. HAPPY NEW YEAR!