Rev. Tankersley Retires

Oct 14, 2018 | Events, Nurturing Leaders | 0 comments

It was a very nice day to be in Truckee, CA at the Truckee Lutheran Presbyterian Church (TLPC) for Joanie Tankersley’s retirement (as Associate Pastor) service and installation as Parish Associate. This took place during the worship service.

First, Joanie was “Installed” by the children with their hugs during the Children’s Time. This was special! Joanie’s final sermon as Associate Pastor focused on her Christian journey from growing up until now and the sharing of her love for our Savior, Jesus Christ, which brought her to this day!

Director of Finance, Vern Manke gives Presbytery greetings.

Vern Manke, Director of Finance for the Presbytery, extended greetings and congratulations from the Stated Clerk and Presbytery Pastor,  Joan and Hilda, and the Presbytery.  Jeanie Shaw, Interim Pastor,  read Hilda’s letter of congratulations and thanks which had been framed and presented to Joanie. Cathy Pearson, the President of TLPC’s Council/ Session extended her gratitude and thanks on behalf of the TLPC and presented Joanie and her husband of 46 years, Bill, a gift certificate to their favorite restaurant. And, the church asked everyone to write their names on a patch which will become a quilt for Joanie.

Joanie is far from being retired.  She was formally installed as Parish Associate for TLPC and is a member of the Presbytery’s Equipping the Saints Committee.

by Vern Manke