Board Game Brings Mission Home

Children at Elko First Presbyterian Church played a board game that transports them into the world of schoolchildren in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Developed by Presbyterian Mission Workers, Jeff and Christi Boyd, the children are the pieces advancing on a vinyl mat according to the throw of a die.   They land on places that hold them back because of no money for school fees, school roof collapse, care for a younger sibling or they advance places because of a church drive to replace a roof or an uncle who pays their school fees.

Jeff Boyd visited Elko First Presbyterian Church for Sunday worship, communion, a congregational potluck and Vacation Bible School.  Jeff and his wife Christi have visited the church in Elko at least 4 times over their 27 years of service as Presbyterian World Mission co-workers in Africa. Jeff preached a sermon about unity and shared pictures of groups in Africa taking communion during the congregation’s communion service.

If you wish to borrow this 20’ by 16’ game for your children, youth, or adults, contact Jeff, who can provide instructions for reserving the game.

Click here for PDF Mission Card about Jeff and Christi Boyd