1070 West Plumb Lane, Reno, NV 89509, USA
Office: (775) 826-0990
Office: (775) 826-0990
- 10:30am In-person and online
The mission of St. John’s Presbyterian Church is to share actively the good news of Jesus Christ.
We are:
- A family of believers in God’s salvation through Jesus Christ who shares their faith in joyous worship;
- An inclusive community where diversity is strengthened in mutual solidarity;
- A nurturing home whose members minister to the needs of the outsider, the sick, the poor, the lonely and the powerless;
- A training academy to equip ourselves for ministry and mission in Jesus’ name in both church and world through fellowship, education and spiritual nurture;
- A church that demonstrates to the world hopeful life where God’s love and grace are sovereign.
- Interim Pastor: Rev. Kent Meads
- Committee on Ministry Liaison: Rev. Susan Taylor