Scammers are targeting Presbytery members posing as officers and staff. Emails supposedly from Reverend Christy Ramsey, Elder Carl Dahlen and Reverend Hilda Pecoraro have been used for this fraud known as Spear phishing.
spear phishing
Google dictionary
the fraudulent practice of sending emails ostensibly from a known or trusted sender in order to induce targeted individuals to reveal confidential information.
It seems likely the scammers have stolen our emails from an email with multiple addresses or an online directory of email addresses. Our email @nevadapresbytery is not hacked, Scammers are using Presbytery staff names to impersonate them with fake free email accounts. (

The attackers have created free email accounts that are plausible for those they are pretending to be, ( for Rev. Christy Ramsey, for Rev. Pecoraro and for Elder Dahlen.) The impersonators then send vague urgent emails looking for a response. If you reply, they may request gift cards or some other easily convertible and untraceable source of funds. Do not send these.
Other spear phishing attacks have included links that install malware (viruses) when clicked or lead to counterfeit sites to steal login usernames and passwords. (see video below)
These scammers seem to be targeting trusted email senders in faith communities. (Note the numbers after the emails, we might be the 3rd and 5th attempts using emails beginning with headmission and pastoralministry.)
Do not reply. If your email program has a menu choice for reporting spam or even phishing attempts, do so and block the email address.
Reporting Spam Like the Following to Google
Good Morning, how are you doing?
I need a favor from you, email me as soon as you get this message.
Many Blessings,
Christy Ramsey
General PresbyterPresbytery of Nevada
2613 Empire Ranch Rd 22076,
Carson City, NV 89706
How Gmail Users
Report a phishing email
- On a computer, go to Gmail.
- Open the message.
- Next to Reply
, click More
Note: If you’re using classic Gmail, click the Down arrow.
- Click Report phishing.
Microsoft Windows includes antivirus programs free with lifetime updates. No antivirus program protects us from ourselves when we click on a poisoned links or send compromising information via emails.
If you respond to the message above you get:
Subject: Re: Many Blessings,
Thanks for your response *******,
I just need to get eBay gift card today for some women going through cancer at the hospital but I can’t do that right now because of my busy schedule. Would have called you but I’m presently in a crucial meeting. Can you get it from any store around you possibly now? and I will pay you back later in cash or check. Let me know if you can get the cards for these patients. Can I’ve your WhatsApp number so we can chat better while in the meeting?
Many Blessings,
Christy Ramsey
General PresbyterPresbytery of Nevada
^^^ SPAM NOT CHRISTY!!!!! ^^^^^
2613 Empire Ranch Rd 22076,
Carson City, NV 89706
Be on the alert for emails from other Presbytery members (or anyone!) with odd email addresses and vague urgent requests. Busy times of the year like Christmas are a favorite time for attacks.
- BEWARE: Urgent requests for any or odd reasons
- BEWARE: New email addresses (search your emails or check your contacts/address book)
- BEWARE: Requests for contact info (to deliver more scams!)
- BEWARE: Gift Cards, Wire Transfers, Stamps, Electronic Transfer, Money Orders BitCoins or eCurrency