Supporting Our Missionaries


Dear Vern and the Presbytery of Nevada,

Greetings to you from the Philippines where we now are engaged in meetings with other missionaries from Asia.

Your message filled us with deep gratitude and great joy for your support of our mission work in Southeast Asia. Truly, when we opened your message, it was a great source of encouragement to us and was a marvelous sign of your partnership in the gospel with us.

We hope that the Presbytery of Nevada and the congregations throughout the presbytery have seen our most recent newsletter that focused on the topic of the persecution of Christians in Southeast Asia. If not, here is a link: “Persecution and Hope” – Newsletter from Barry & Shelly Dawson in Southeast Asia

Please feel free to share our newsletter with all congregations in Nevada Presbytery. (see previous post “The Other Thailand”)

Thank you for your prayers for Shelly. Her latest CT scan of her lungs was unchanged, so we are thankful for that encouragement.  Additionally, she had arthroscopic surgery on her left knee three months ago. She is making slow progress, but we pray that in the coming months she will be able to walk more normally, particularly on stairs.Thank you for your prayers for Shelly. (More details are available when you log in.)

Thank you again for your generous contribution to our work in Southeast Asia. We ask for your continuing prayers for the Holy Spirit to lead us to those people and places where Christ is calling us to work for God’s glory.

In Christ,

Barry and Shelly

Rev. Dr. Barry Dawson and Shelly Dawson

Regional Liaison for Southeast Asia
Presbyterian Church (USA) World Mission
Thai Mobile Phone [Barry]: +66 (0)92 864 6272
Thai Mobile Phone [Shelly]: +66 (0)92 908 3343
USA Phone Number (rings in Thailand): 1 616 928 1028
Skype: bsbebdawson
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