Reaching Out With Technology

Akron, Ohio PCUSA congregation, photo by C. Ramsey Some Rights Reserved

Sometimes technology provides solutions that are great on the one hand – ‘expensive’ on the other – but with very high potential and payoff.

What if our church(es) could bring the corporate worship to their homebound (and other away members) – every Sunday, every service?

What implications might there be when the congregation celebrates the Lord’s Supper?  (We currently deliver the elements to the homebound after the service; but, how could we support homebound participation with the congregation – as it happens?)

How could our presbytery distribute or host on its site a worship schedule of all of our churches and access URLs so our very small congregations (or other worshipping communities or interested parties) could link into another of our congregations’ worship services when there is no supply pastor for them on their site?

To what other use could such capability lend itself (interactive classes, meetings, …?) – as our presbytery (or even our congregational membership in some cases) is so spread out?

Please consider this post in ManagingYourChurch blog at website:

My church has a little less than 300 people in weekly worship attendance. We don’t have the budget to buy expensive cameras…[but]…I wanted us to try streaming our services so our current church body could worship with us when they weren’t here….

Link to Full Article

Its author indicates such connectivity for less than $1k/internet streaming site.

In His love and service …

Art Ritter